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I came to Dr. Taylor after years of suffering from severe digestive issues which came on suddenly one day.  Countless doctor visits later, various medical procedures performed, and more antibiotics taken than one could imagine, I was at best marginally better.  After over a year of “treatment”, I realized that “conventional” medicine was not going to make me better and that 99.9% of doctors think a pill is the only answer.  When it doesn’t work they don’t know what else to do for you.

It was during my initial consultation with Dr. Taylor, as she poured over my test results, that I realized she was different from the other doctors I had seen.  Her comprehensive approach and thorough knowledge of gut health was impressive.  She diagnosed my condition and explained in detail the treatment plan – which included herbal antibiotics and a special diet.  Everything she said made sense to me and I wondered why no other doctor had provided me with this course of treatment.  After three months of following her plan, I’m already feeling so much better and have the test results to prove it.  I’m so happy I decided to see Dr. Taylor, I only wish I had done it sooner.

November 8, 2022

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